Monday, January 16, 2012

Study, Study and more of the same.

Accepted the position with the insurance company Sunday. I am so very pleased that I have the opportunity. Whoever said you are never too young to learn well... that is a understatement. I have been reading PDF files and watching videos all afternoon. I have 14 days to prep for my P&C license. I'll be ready.

My honey brought me flowers today, it was such a surprise and I was so grateful. Along with it a cute card and a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper's. :) Yes, I need my caffeine. Gorgeous flowers! Take a peek...

Baby chicks are growing so fast and getting their pin feathers and I am getting 3-5 eggs a day from our hens. The eggs are going straight to the incubator! I took out 5 today since they were not fertile. My rooster better get busy or he will have to be replaced. Everyone is doing well here. Hope everyone's day has been pleasurable! And let's not forget - 

Happy Birthday Taalyn Alexis! 
My sweet grandchild turned 11 today. My word how time flies. 
I loved you even before you took your first breath!

From Then

To Now

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