Tuesday, January 10, 2012

All Quiet On The Home Front

Today has been a myriad of do nothing's. The weather here is so unpredictable. I relished the rain yesterday but woke up and wanted sunshine.

Getting my mind prepared for tomorrow's interview with the insurance company. I have my fingers crossed that it will all come through. It would be amazing to work within 10 minutes of home.

I went and had my nails done today and that was relaxing had to wait for about half a hour so they sat me in the massage chair. Wonder where you can buy one at a discount? Laughing.

Big adventure - went to Wall's Feed store here in Burleson. They were kind and got a deal on chicken starter a whole $3.00 for a 5 # bag. I purchased a huge bag of pine shavings and of course when the young man put it in my car I noticed it had a whole in the bottom, so much for vacuuming my car this past weekend. Oh well, such is life.

Teen grandchildren - you call them up and ask what they want for their birthday and you get a "I Dunno". And finally get - C A S H. Heck, I want cash too! Laughing. But at 13 they are seeking a bit of independence and want to shop with friends and such. My preteen grandchild wants boots - ask and you shall receive! They are my heart for certain.

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