Monday, January 9, 2012

Life's Little Rewards

Ahh, the smell of freshly made coffee, soft rain washing away your cares and the sound of Jack the Aracauna rooster crowing. Okay and the dogs barking at the pot belly pig next door. Laughing. It's a glorious new day!

I will be submitting resumes to as many postings as possible today. Can I tell you I love my husband? Yes, he grinds on my last nerve from time to time. What spouse doesn't? But I have never known someone to love as strongly as he does. No matter what I say or what arises he is there to hold my hand and support me in whatever  the next day brings.

I received a email and the bantam baby chicks will ship on Wednesday. I purchased a assortment and not certain what they are sending. I've always loved surprises. Bryan and I prepared for their arrival yesterday, the brooder is all ready! I have 6 eggs in the incubator from one of our hens and 3 Pekin duck eggs from my parents. 27 days and counting! We have one hen that we hatched from last season and she is a beauty part Aracauna and Americauna. She is from Claire and Jack.

Well off to research the job market. Everyone have a fabulous day!

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