Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Special Day

Today signifies the celebration of life and love. Thirteen years ago my life changed when my first granddaughter was brought into this world. I never knew such unrequited love. As a parent you love your children unconditionally but nothing prepares you for the love you feel for a grandchild. So to my darling -

Happy Birthday Alaina Rayne

From Where You Started 

To Who You ARE Now 

I love you my BUG! 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Pic of the Day

Quote of the Day

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.


Recipe of the Day

Steak Dianne (circa 1977) 


1 Large Onion, finely diced
1 Carrot, finely diced
2 oz (50g) Butter
1/2 oz (15g) Flour

3/4 pint (450ml) Beef Stock
1 Bay Leaf
3 Parsley Stalks
Pinch Thyme
1 tablespoon Tomato Puree
1 teaspoon Salt

1 oz (25g) Butter
4 Fillet Steaks
2 tablespoons Brandy or Sherry
1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
1 tablespoon Chopped Parsley to Garnish

Melt the butter in a saucepan and fry the onion and carrot slowly until dry and slightly shrivelled but not brown. Stir with a metal spoon occasionally. Add the flour and continue cooking until the flour and vegetables are a rich brown. Pour on the stock and add all the remaining sauce ingredients. Stir well, and bring to the boil and simmer for 30 minutes until reduced by half. Strain but do not sieve, then cover the sauce and set aside until required.

To complete the dish just before serving, have all the ingredients ready and the guests assembled.

Use one large or two medium frying pans and heat until very hot. Drop in the butter and then the steaks to brown on each side. Pour over the brandy or sherry and cook for 2-3 minutes more; the vapours my be ignited if you wish with a match or gas flame. Put all the steaks in one pan if two were used. Pour over the brown sauce and Worcestershire sauce, bring to the boil, sprinkle with parsley and serve. Serves 4. 

Study, Study and more of the same.

Accepted the position with the insurance company Sunday. I am so very pleased that I have the opportunity. Whoever said you are never too young to learn well... that is a understatement. I have been reading PDF files and watching videos all afternoon. I have 14 days to prep for my P&C license. I'll be ready.

My honey brought me flowers today, it was such a surprise and I was so grateful. Along with it a cute card and a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper's. :) Yes, I need my caffeine. Gorgeous flowers! Take a peek...

Baby chicks are growing so fast and getting their pin feathers and I am getting 3-5 eggs a day from our hens. The eggs are going straight to the incubator! I took out 5 today since they were not fertile. My rooster better get busy or he will have to be replaced. Everyone is doing well here. Hope everyone's day has been pleasurable! And let's not forget - 

Happy Birthday Taalyn Alexis! 
My sweet grandchild turned 11 today. My word how time flies. 
I loved you even before you took your first breath!

From Then

To Now

Saturday, January 14, 2012

And those were the days!

Bryan and I were sitting on the couch talking about fond memories of cap guns! I found us both a set!!!! We will be rootin' tootin' cowboys and cowgirls around these parts!

Pic of the Day

Quote of the Day

Ask me not what I have, but what I am.

Recipe of the Day

Cowboy Cookies 

1 c. shortening
1 c. white sugar
1 c. brown sugar
2 eggs
2 c. flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 c. oatmeal
1 tsp. vanilla
8 oz. chocolate chips

Combine shortening, sugars and eggs and cream well. Add (sifted together) flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt and mix well. Add oatmeal, vanilla and chocolate chips. Drop by teaspoon onto well greased baking sheet. Bake 10 to 12 minutes at 350 degrees.

Modern Day Technology

I remember growing up without the modern day luxuries. We only had one television in the house, our phone was rotary dial and when touch tone dialing came out it was a wondrous thing. Not to mention the 10 foot phone cord! When you wanted to listen to music it came first as a LP, migrated to a 8 track and on to the little cassette. The radio stations were not blaring advertisements and content was rated G.

But here we are and my internet was down and I thought I had lost a appendage. I reminisce about the days of my youth but I rely on today's technology. My grand baby came to stay the night and I have begun the task of teaching her how to crochet. She has picked it up like she was born to have yarn in her hand. It's nice to be able to hand down something my grandmother taught me. :) 

I did receive my 25 baby bantam chicks this week. They actually sent 27 and I lost one little guy. I posted on Craigslist but no takers as of yet. They are a beautiful mixed lot of chicks and I have a favorite a little Partridge Wyndotte that is so absolutely adorable! They are all darling. A few bits of soft corn last night and they were snatching and dashing around with the treasure they had found. 

The insurance company is sending over a offer this weekend and I am anxious in reviewing what she has put together. Of course I will be jumping on it since it is 10 minutes away from home. My hubby is out at the land today with our beloved chocolate lab looking at his friend's water well. The well has been put in but the pump and aerator needs to be installed. Just add it to the list of never ending expenses. 

Well off to get dressed and start my day. To each have a wonderful one! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bicknell - My Grandmother's Family

Arms granted to A. Sydney Bicknell, 17 May, 1894, registered at the
College of Arms: Or, on a mount vert, a beacon fired proper, a chief sa.,
thereon a cross flory, between two porcupines respecting each other of the first.
Mantling: Vert and or.
Crest: On a wreath of the colours, or and gules, a dragon couchant
reguardant, wings expanded, gorged with collar, or, holding in the dexter
claw a cross as in the arms.
Motto: Surge Biconyll.
Coat of Arms 1736Arms used (unregistered) from 1736 or earlier.
Or, two bars gules, surmounted by a lion rampant, sable.
Crest: A dragon’s head erased vert.
Motto: [These varied at times]

 Coat of Arms

 The Bicknell coat of arms hereby illustrated is officially
documented in Burke’s general Armory.
The original description of the arms (shield) is as follows:
Ar. Two bars Gu, over all a lion ramp, of the first.

Chateau Lambert - Chenas France

Located only 89 miles outside of Geneva, Switzerland and set amidst the gently rolling hills of the Beaujolais region of France (between Saint Amour and Fleurie) Chateau Lambert welcomes you to its private and completely gated estate consisting of a magnificent residence, wine-producing vineyards, a lap pool, billiard room, chapel, spa and guesthouse. Chateau Lambert was built in 1690 by Captain Lambert who served at the time under Louis XVI. The 4 acres of AOC Moulin À Vint currently produce 12,000 bottles per year.

The main residence has 11 bedrooms, 11 baths, 4 fireplaces, and is approximately 10,225 square feet. The 3 bedroom/3 bath guesthouse has 1 fireplace and is approximately 3,000 square feet.

Family Crest and Coat of Arms

Lambert - French 

Taylor - English 

All Quiet On The Home Front

Today has been a myriad of do nothing's. The weather here is so unpredictable. I relished the rain yesterday but woke up and wanted sunshine.

Getting my mind prepared for tomorrow's interview with the insurance company. I have my fingers crossed that it will all come through. It would be amazing to work within 10 minutes of home.

I went and had my nails done today and that was relaxing had to wait for about half a hour so they sat me in the massage chair. Wonder where you can buy one at a discount? Laughing.

Big adventure - went to Wall's Feed store here in Burleson. They were kind and got a deal on chicken starter a whole $3.00 for a 5 # bag. I purchased a huge bag of pine shavings and of course when the young man put it in my car I noticed it had a whole in the bottom, so much for vacuuming my car this past weekend. Oh well, such is life.

Teen grandchildren - you call them up and ask what they want for their birthday and you get a "I Dunno". And finally get - C A S H. Heck, I want cash too! Laughing. But at 13 they are seeking a bit of independence and want to shop with friends and such. My preteen grandchild wants boots - ask and you shall receive! They are my heart for certain.

Pic of the Day

Quote of the Day

A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.
Albert Einstein

Recipe of The Day

Corn Bread Pie 

1 lb. hamburger
1 can tomato soup
1 can whole kernel corn
2 tbsp. chili powder
1 lg. onion
1 green pepper
2 c. water
1 box Jiffy cornbread mix
Salt to taste
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Brown hamburger and onion. Drain and add soup, water, corn, chili powder, salt. Place mixture in a large iron skillet or 9x13 pan. Mix cornbread as directions on box (mix slightly thinner). Pour cornbread over hamburger mixture and bake at 400 degrees for 30 or 40 minutes.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Pic Of The Day

Recipe of the Day

Old Fashioned Bread Pudding 

2 c. milk, scalded
1/4 c. butter
2 eggs
1/2 c. sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. ground nutmeg
3 c. soft bread, torn into sm. pieces
1/2 c. raisins
Combine milk and butter, stirring until butter is melted. Cool to lukewarm. Combine eggs, sugar, salt and nutmeg; beat at medium speed of mixer for 1 minute. Slowly add milk mixture. Place bread in a lightly greased 1 1/2 quart casserole; sprinkle with raisins and pour batter over all. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes or until set.

Quote of the Day

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler."
~Henry David Thoreau 

Life's Little Rewards

Ahh, the smell of freshly made coffee, soft rain washing away your cares and the sound of Jack the Aracauna rooster crowing. Okay and the dogs barking at the pot belly pig next door. Laughing. It's a glorious new day!

I will be submitting resumes to as many postings as possible today. Can I tell you I love my husband? Yes, he grinds on my last nerve from time to time. What spouse doesn't? But I have never known someone to love as strongly as he does. No matter what I say or what arises he is there to hold my hand and support me in whatever  the next day brings.

I received a email and the bantam baby chicks will ship on Wednesday. I purchased a assortment and not certain what they are sending. I've always loved surprises. Bryan and I prepared for their arrival yesterday, the brooder is all ready! I have 6 eggs in the incubator from one of our hens and 3 Pekin duck eggs from my parents. 27 days and counting! We have one hen that we hatched from last season and she is a beauty part Aracauna and Americauna. She is from Claire and Jack.

Well off to research the job market. Everyone have a fabulous day!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pic Of The Day

Recipe of the Day

Hearty Winter Chicken Noodle Soup 

3 lb. chicken
2 qts. water
2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 c. chicken stock
2 c. celery, chopped
2 c. carrots, chopped
1 tart apple, chopped
1 c. onions, chopped
Dash pepper
4 c. egg noodles

Place chicken in kettle with 2 quarts water. Cover until tender (about 2 1/2 hours). Remove chicken from kettle and strain broth. Debone chicken and return to kettle with strained broth. Add chicken stock, celery, carrots, apple, onions, and pepper and cook until vegetables are tender. Add noodles and cook 8-10 minutes. 

We're Dog Gone Crazy :)

Kinser Chickens

Ye Ole Hen House

A New Year - A New Beginning

Well here it is 2012 and much has changed. I walked in last Friday and resigned from my job of almost 2 years. I was disappointed in myself for allowing the business owners to get under my skin enough to walk, but it is what it is.

On wards and upwards! In the meantime while I search for my new career path I have ordered 25 baby bantams (chicks). I am very excited about my new endeavor. I plan on placing them on craigslist and doubling my money. We will see if this is a win - win or go for broke. Depends on what the weather is like and the market.

I am thinking of creating a web site - tossing it around. I can market my baby chicks and possibly my beanies too. Maybe Bailey can paint a few landscapes and put them on there too! Make some more strawberry jam, I have a few in the freezer but of course strawberries are out of season. Perhaps try my hand at making more salsa.

Whatever happens in the next few weeks I know that I have faith in myself and have my husband, family and God on my side.

Here is to a bright and prosperous New Year!